Strawberry Mint


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Strawberry mint jam. Paired with the flavor of a strawberry; is an excellent companion for my grandmother’s flavor. I consider mint to be a flavor of freshness, my grandfather was Baptist as well as A.M.E. Mint is an herbaceous perennial. It dies during the winter. Grows back during the Spring. An excellent way to describe my grandparent’s love toward each other.

My grandmother’s love.

An Indian, Christian and the matriarch of my family.

It is my honor to present your flavor to God’s people.

I hope I have endured well.

- Mary Ann Cumbee Boyd

I have prepared a place of royalty for you. In my garden.

May you rest peacefully. May you continue to watch over me. I will continue to be a keeper of your teachings.

Assante Bibi.


Strawberry mint jam.